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Final Fantasy VII

Plans: Sketch 1
Length of Project: One weekend total, even though I slacked off and didn't finish it for another 2 months :P
Favourite Part: I liked making the ears and doing the body paint, I stood in a mirror when I put the costume on and drew the designs on myself with eyeliner. It was rather difficult, but well worth it ^^
Least Favourite: Trying to figure out how to make paws. Then I just came up with this idea and imo it worked lots better and looked lots cuter!
Total Value: Around $50
Materials: Teddy Bear fur :P I went to a crafts store and robbed all their teddy bear fur.
Notes: I don't know where I came up with the idea to make this costume at. It kind of just popped into my head one day. Not many people recognized me, and lots mistaked me for Merle from Escaflowne. I wore this to Katsucon 6, Feb 2000.