Royal Soul Part 2 By: Elly-chan Edgar sat at the table in his room at the inn, his head resting in his hands, and his elbows resting against the table. He was just staring at the wall blankly, trying to think of what to do about the guys and their impatience of storming the castle. He didn't want to go back right now.he was enjoying himself too much. He supposed he could just go along to find the secret cave and even come back with them, then return later.but he knew he couldn't do that. Someone in the castle would be sure to recognize him. He was the King after all. And Emil.that was his only reason for not returning actually. Emil meant a lot to him, he wouldn't deny that. At first Emil was just satisfying his curiosity.but more and more every day he started to develop a likeness to the handsome thief. If Emil were just a normal man, things could have been different. He could be with him forever maybe, and love him. He couldn't bring himself to love Emil because he knew they would one day be parted.and plus, Emil was a thief. Thieves were lower than low. Except for his old buddy Locke.and well.he preferred to be called "Treasure Hunter." Edgar looked up when he heard a knock at the door. He stood up quickly to go answer it, his black cape following him gracefully. He opened the door slowly and peeked through the small crack. "Yes?" "It's just me.I thought you might like some company." Edgar recognized Emil's voice immediately and he opened the door the rest of the way and allowed him to enter. "Just you, no one else. I'm not in one of my people-person moods." Edgar walked back to sit at the table. " need your rest. Why not lay down? It's obvious to me you haven't been sleeping well lately." Emil looked at Edgar with a worried look on his face. "You're right, I haven't been." Edgar walked over and flopped down on the bed, putting his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "Though I don't think that's really why you wanted to get me on the bed." He turned his head to look at Emil and blinked. Emil cracked a grin and winked. "You know me too well Boss.but actually, I'm worried about you. What's up with you lately? I know you told me a little bit earlier.but I wasn't sure if it was just drunken slur or not." "It wasn't drunken slur.and will you please stop calling me boss, kind sir." "Kind sir? I swear, sometimes your speech sounds like you're fresh out of a line of Royalty." Emil went over to the bed Edgar was laying down on and laid next to him, wrapping an arm around him. "You're just too perfect sometimes." He leaned over to put a soft kiss on Edgar's lips and then looked at him and smiled. Edgar just looked back at him blankly. "I'm sorry.Emil. I'm.I mean, I don't want-" Edgar paused and looked at Emil as his smile slowly faded. "Oh nevermind." "No, Edgar.what is it? You said you were lonely and here I am. The only reason you're lonely at the moment is because you're letting yourself be. You know good and well that I'll always be here no matter what you were or will become. You can tell me anything and everything. Why don't you understand this?" "Some things I can't tell anyone around me." Emil brought his hand up and brushed it against Edgar's cheek. "Listen.I know something must have happened to you when Kefka went nuts and demolished the world, but you can tell me about it. I probably can't change it.but you can tell me." "You'll find out in time." "Along with everyone else?" Edgar nodded, "I suppose that's what will happen." "When.when we go to Figaro Castle.are you coming back with us?" Emil looked into Edgar's eyes questionably, he had wondered this earlier in the night after Edgar had walked away the first time. Edgar shook his head and whispered softly, closing his eyes. "No." "I see, then." He thought for a few seconds and then added, "There must be someone there you love dearly, since you're wanting to return so bad." "Have you ever been to Figaro Castle?" "No sir, I haven't. I haven't the slightest knowledge about it. I just know it's stuck in the middle of a bunch of sand somewhere and their king hasn't been around for about 2 years now. Wonder how they lead the place without a king? Who's making the decisions?" Edgar smiled and opened his eyes. "You know, I've been wondering the same damn thing for a while now, Emil." "Great minds think alike, don't you know?" Emil gave Edgar another kiss, he put a little more passion into it this time, though. Edgar wrapped his arms around Emil and pulled him over on top of him and held him close. "Stay with me tonight, please Emil." "I can do that." "Thank you." "For comfort?" "I need to let myself stop being lonely." "You miss someone don't you." Emil could tell this ever since he first met Edgar. He would always daze off and daydream at the most random of moments. His eyes were always filled with a strange longing that was never satisfied, even the first night they made love he could tell that Edgar's mind wasn't focused on him.more on someone else. "I do." "Is it a person in Figaro?" Edgar shook his head. "I don't know where he is anymore. Or even if he's still alive. I haven't seen or heard from him since the end of the World of Balance.we were together then, when it happened. In the same exact place.and I end up knocked unconscious and waking up in a thieves hideout." He laughed slightly. "They said I had pretty jewelry, so they kept if for themselves and asked me if I would like to join the gang." Emil smiled. "Well, can't say much about the politeness of the guys to such a proper gentlemen like you. but I can always help you get your mind off of your lost lover." "He was never a lover.just someone I secretly admired." "Then I can get your mind off of him even easier." Emil leaned down and licked on Edgar's neck and up to his ear, nibbling gently on the bottom of the lobe. "Do you mind, Edgar?" "I would be very grateful if you would give me the honor.Emil." Emil reached over and turned off the gas lamp, and made love to Gerad, the king of thieves.