These guys were awesome. Especially Locke! *glomps onto Locke* You were so cute! *sings opera*

Relm, Shadow, Locke, Celes, and Terra! And I'm hugging my baby *keeps singing opera*

Awesome Edea ^_^ I didn't get to see the headdress good, but I always wondered how one would go about making it.

ShiShiO and his assasins. Cho was awesome. That was like, the coolest costume. And I love the hair!
Sano: Broom head!
Cho: Chicken face!
Sano: Broom head!
Elly: *sweatdrop*

Speed Racer, ne?

Yes, I got a few yaoish shots *hentai grin*

A whole bunch of ppl, hehe. You recognize em!

Lol, don't you know she'll hate me for putting this pic up on the net *giggles* However, they both had really nice costumes ^^

Sano with his big long sword thingy ^_^

The best Squall there. And he had the most awesome Gunblade. I loved his feathers! This is a good pic of him, too ^^

A black mage. Hehehe, Tactics anyone? Or FF5... you're pick ^_^

Put some clothes on joe ;) Joe as Sabin from FF6. And can you count how many Seifers and Rinoa's are in this pic? Sheesh! hehe
