Slowly Fading Part 10 A 5x2/2x5 Gundam Wing Fanfiction By: Elly-chan Hirde looked at Duo in question as he threw his bag over his shoulder. He had told her what he was planning to do two weeks ago, but she didn't actually think he would go through with it. What if Wufei- "Don't worry Hirde, I'll be fine." Duo smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. Something had been missing from him these past two weeks, she could tell. He never was all there, always dazing off.not really smiling. He was quiet; everyone was worried about him. Only Hirde and Relena knew what was actually going on.he had told them he didn't want the others to actually know.he was sure it wouldn't be accepted. Hirde had agreed to this, and then went to shut up Relena before she said anything she would regret. "I wish the best for you Duo.really." She paused, "Contact me, will you?" Duo nodded and pushed her out the door. "I don't want you to miss your shuttle." Hirde laughed and dragged him with her, "I don't want you to miss yours either!" Duo smiled and they both walked out the front door of Relena's mansion. Duo walked the girl to her taxi and hugged her tight. "Thank you, Hirde." Hirde was shocked, her eyes widen and she lost her grip, but then hugged Duo back tightly, "For what?" "Everything." Duo pulled back and smiled as he looked into her eyes, "You were always there for me, you understood.I admire you and appreciate that.I don't think I could have gone through these two weeks alone." Hirde returned his smile, "What are friends for?" The braided pilot laughed a bit and hugged her again, pushing her into the taxi, "Have a safe trip home Hirde, I'll call you." Hirde nodded as Duo closed the door. Then he turned to get into his own taxi, which was right behind hers. Thoughts ran through his mind, butterflies flew in his stomach, chibi docs with mallets danced in front of his eyes. Okay...well.maybe not the latter. But he was nervous, and he didn't know what to expect. He prayed Wufei would be there, and he prayed that Wufei would listen to him. He hadn't prayed since the Maxwell Church. Duo brought a hand up to his head and massaged his temples lightly. He stared out the window for the rest of the trip to the airport, daydreaming about all the possible things that could happen. -- "Last call for flight number 842 leaving at 12:30 to Hong Kong." The woman's voice blared from the speakers, snapping Wufei out his daze and he stood. Picking up his one bag, he threw it over his shoulder and began to make his way to the line of people boarding the flight. He laughed silently to himself, `Well.that was a fun month Wufei, you got to feel what it was like to get your heart broken. You learned how it was to -fall-. Plus you got to slap a woman, you don't get that chance everyday.' "Sir, ticket please." Wufei nodded and handed the flight attendant the ticket. She smiled and wished him a nice flight and he headed to get on board. After a few steps the woman called him to get his attention, "Sir! Excuse me, sir!" He turned to look at the woman, "Yes?" She nodded over to her right, where a young man stood wearing a white chinese style suit and he looked as if he was about to cry. "Duo." Wufei dropped his bag and just looked at the other boy standing in the isle. "Wufei." Wufei walked up to the braided boy and stood in front of him, "What are you here for.?" Duo wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly, "Why did you leave, Wufei? Gods why did you do that? I missed you so much." Wufei hesitantly returned the hug, "I don't want to mean nothing to you, Duo." Duo turned his head to whisper into the chinese boy's ear, "Don't you understand? You are everything to me, Wufei." His eyes widened in shock as he heard the words that Duo whispered, then pulling back in looked into Shinigami's eyes, "What?" "Everything! You are everything I said I wanted that afternoon.danger, excitement, care, fearlessness.And you found me." "Nani.Duo?" Wufei didn't know if he was hearing correctly.hadn't Relena said.? No, hadn't he convinced himself that Duo didn't care anything about him? "Don't deny me Wufei.please." Why'd you convince yourself this, Wufei? Gods you can be an idiot think you'd learn after a while, you hypocrite. It's not just YOU that is feeling this. But, how can something so good, be so real? Duo noticed at the uncertain look in Wufei's eyes and fear crossed his heart. What if he was wrong? What if Wufei never really loved him.? Wufei smiled and grabbed Duo, bringing the boy closer to him and kissing him deeply. Duo was shocked at first but then gave in to the kiss and returned it. Duo was the first to break it, "I love you, Wufei." Wufei raised his hand and ran it across the other boy's cheek. "Love is the fall of every man." Duo placed his hand over the one that was on his cheek, "I know." "I love you too." Wufei leaned in to kiss Duo once more, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him in as tight as he could. They soon broke the kiss. "So what do we do?" "Well, you could see if there's an extra seat left on the plane.or we could see if Relena would house us until we could catch another." "Which would you prefer?" "How far is Relena's house from here?" "Around a 20 minute come?" Wufei pulled Duo in again and kissed him softly, "I think you know." Duo smiled and Wufei leaned over to pick up his bag, "Relena's it is!" They walked hand in hand away from the gate, each of them smiling at the other, relieved that those two weeks were finally over and the rest of their lives were about to begin.