Slowly Fading Part 4 By: Elly-chan Duo woke up in his bed, Hirde was already up and about the room, unpacking their things and trying to make the place look more `homey'. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked over at her and smiled. "Good morning, love." Hirde smiled and turned around to see him at the sound of his voice, "Good morning." She walked over to him and set down on the side of the bed, leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "You slept long enough. I brought you breakfast." She pointed to the tray on their bedside table. "It's almost noon." Duo rubbed his head and blinked, "Noon, already? Wow." Hirde nudged him, "Sleepy head." He laughed, "I have a good reason to be though, don't I?" He smiled when he saw Hirde blush. The girl was awfully straight forward at some moments and shy in others. "I'm going to go out and do some things with Relena today, do you mind?" Duo shook his head. He was hoping he might have some time to talk to the other guys and catch up on a few things today anyway. It was rather hard to do all he wanted when Hirde was around. He just wanted to do.guy things. And he wanted to go clubbing, yes.clubbing. "I don't mind. I think I might drag one or two of the guys out tonight too, so if I'm not here when you get back, I'll see you later, okay?" Hirde looked at him questionably. "And what exactly do you plan on doing tonight?" Come on Maxwell.think of an can't tell her you're going clubbing or she'll kick the living daylights out of you.think! "Might go out to dinner or something and just do things we weren't able to do during the war." He found her hand and squeezed it tightly in his, "We won't do anything bad sweetie." "You promise?" He nodded, "Hai! I promise!" He sighed in relief as she smiled and stood up and went to the door. "Relena is waiting for me downstairs, I'll see you later tonight. Love you!" She waved and blew a kiss as she walked out the door, shutting it behind her. He swung his legs over the bed and mumbled, "Yeah, love you too." He stood up, his hair a tangled mess, and proceeded to the bathroom to comb the knots out. He didn't bother closing the door, or locking the one to Wufei's room. There was no need, he was only combing his hair. Time passed and he was eventually done, he pulled his hair back and began to braid it, and when he got to end he realized he had no earthly clue where he had put his rubber band. "Aw, crap. Where is it?" Duo fumbled around the bathroom, throwing things into the floor, slamming the cabinets shut, and cussing. He walked over to the door to Wufei's room and knocked, "Oi Wufei!" He got no answer, so he opened the door on his own to see Wufei asleep on top of his covers. Duo smiled, he looked so sweet when he was sleeping.he had a look that almost made him.beautiful. Woah woah, wait a minute. Beautiful? Snap out of it Maxwell, this is a man you're talking about, he's nothing but a member of the same sex that you would never in a million years think of him as cute, ugly, or normal. He was just.Wufei. Yeah, that's right.Just Wufei. And Wufei wasn't the sweet looking beautiful ex-Gundam Pilot sleeping on the bed either. "Wufei?" He stepped through the door and approached Wufei laying on the bed, "Wu-chan!" Wufei slowly opened his eyes to see bright light, and groaned. "Duo, what do you want. I didn't get much sleep last night you know." Duo blushed. "Gomen about that.I'll try to make her more quiet next time." "Gag her." Wufei rolled over and looked at Duo, "What do you want?" Holding up the end of his braid, Duo nodded, "Just a rubber band." Just as he said it, he spotted one sitting on Wufei's bedside table. "This'll do!" He grabbed it and hopped back into the bathroom, ignoring Wufei's statements about how that was HIS rubber band. In the bathroom he finished off his braid and did the rest of the morning necessities, including getting dressed. All the while thinking of who he would take out tonight. Heero? No.he wouldn't be too much fun, he wasn't a nightlife type guy. Quatre? No, not him either. He was too.well.He was too something to fit in with the nightlife. Trowa? No, too quiet. Wufei? Hmm, he didn't know Wufei very well.perfect reason to take him out! He drinks, he's not too terribly shy, he seems like he'd be a fun one to take to a strip club.Boy, he'd be in hot water if Hirde found out though. Let's leave the strip club off, just incase. He bounced into Wufei's room, eventually convincing him that he really needed to see some of the nightlife Sank Kingdom had to offer. "Ne, Wufei, Hurry!" Duo was pacing back and forth in his room, waiting for the other pilot to emerge from the bathroom. "I wanna get out of here before Hirde gets back!" The bathroom door opened and Wufei stepped out, he was wearing tight black vinyl pants and a tightly fitting dark blue shirt that barely had any sleeves at all. His hair was tied back like usual, and he had a dalmation print bondage collar around his neck. On each of his wrists he had more dalmation bondage garb. "Maxwell, I feel like an idiot." Duo's chin dropped when he saw Wufei. Wow.that shirt. really brought out his muscles well. And those pants.well, Duo avoided thinking about that for certain reasons. Number one reason being that.he didn't swing that way. Never had and never will! Though.Wufei looked awfully nice. "What are you looking at?" Wufei ran his hand over his slick hair and then put it back down to his side, resting it in his pocket. Duo gained composure, "Nothing!" He stopped to think for a bit. "You know Wufei, the chics will love you in that outfit." "Hn. Women." Wufei headed toward the door, putting his hand on the doorknob, "Are you ready to leave? The sooner we leave, the sooner we get back, correct?" "Ne, Wufei. I think you'll like the nightlife." Duo reached over on the bedside table and grabbed his wallet, putting it in his back pants pocket, and walked out the door behind Wufei. The lights were blinding, and the music was deafening, and everyone was drunk or high on some kind of drug. This was not the type place Wufei enjoyed being in. He remained stoic and took a seat at the corner of the bar, trying to avoid being seen by anyone. He declined all of Duo's invitations to go out on the dance floor, after all, he couldn't dance, and he knew he wouldn't be dancing with Duo. "Wu-chan!! Please!" Duo whined in his ear, well.. whined in a screaming way in his ear.. Since he couldn't hear a thing because of the music. "It'll be fun, I promise!" Duo took a sip of whatever sort of alcohol he had ordered.he'd been taking one too many sips, Wufei could smell it on his breath. "Don't call me Wu-chan. And no." He kept leaned back against the wall, and sipped his glass of gin and tonic.the only glass he's had of gin and tonic tonight, mind you. "Why not, Wu-chan?" Duo stumbled a little and fell against Wufei, but quickly found his balance again. "Because I can't dance. And there's no one I want to dance with. Duo twirled around and threw his arms out, spelling the majority of the strange alcoholic beverage he held in his hand, "Not ev'n me Wu-chan? Aww, `m hurt!" "Hn. Duo, you're drunk Duo." Wufei turned his nose up at the smell of Duo's breath. The drunk boy threw his arms rather sloppily around Wufei, causing Wufei's gin and tonic to spill all over the both of them, "Am not! `m perfectly sobr'." Wufei sat his glass down on the bar and took Duo's glass from his hand and placed it next to his, then grabbing Duo's arm, he swung it around his shoulder and helped Duo stand. "Come on, we're going home." "Oki Wu-chan. I'm missin' Hirde anyway." Wufei wondered if Duo was sober enough to know that Hirde would be extremely mad at him, since he was going to be arriving completely wasted and with. oh gods, was that lipstick on his cheeks? Yeah, she might be a little mad. Outside of the club it was pouring the rain, and lucky for them, there was no covering, so they got to get soaking wet. Wufei was having a difficult time hailing a cab and keeping Duo from wandering off at the same time. By the time the cab was gotten, Duo's shirt was soaked through and sticking to his muscles and his hair was matted down in his eyes. Wufei dragged him into the cab, and Duo layed down with his head in Wufei's lap. Wufei looked down at the soaked boy, `Gods. why does he have to look so damned good soaking wet?' Duo giggled, "Wu-chan, you're wet." Wufei nodded and held Duo still, no need to distract the driver.or bring attention back here, how embarrassing. "Hai, so are you." "Ne, Wu-chan. I'm sleepy." Duo closed his eyes and stopped his squirming to relax his body. "You better not go to sleep yet, you're too heavy to carry in." Plus, Wufei didn't want to be with him when Hirde saw him.maybe he could just drop Duo off at the door and knock and run. that might work. Or leave him in the bathroom, that might work too. But no, Wufei was looking forward to the nice long hot shower he was going to take tonight. Free of the other couples hideous sex noises. When they arrived at the mansion, Duo was still half- awake, but still had to be dragged out of the cab. Wufei paid the cab driver, and helped Duo stumble to the front door. He was reaching to turn the doorknob when the door flew open and on the other side was a rather.furious Hirde. "Duo!" She grabbed him away from Wufei and he stumbled inside, Wufei following after them and closing the door. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any clue what time it is?" Hirde had her hands on her hips, looking like the clich‚ angry wife. Duo giggled and muttered, "I'm home sweetie! What's so bad about that." He fell backwards, but luckily the wall was there to catch him. Hirde walked closer to him, "I can smell the liquor on your breath." She eyed the lipstick marks on his cheeks and neck and brought her hand back and slapped him hard. "Just what in the hell have you been doing? No. I don't even want to know." Wufei, taking this as a good cue to leave, did just that.left. He walked up to his room, feeling a tad bit sorry for Maxwell, but hey.the guy deserved it for lying to her in the first place. Standing next to his bed he slid his soaking wet shirt over his head, and pulled the rubber band out of his hair, letting the wet hair fall into his eyes. He looked up at the sound of a knock on the door, and a thump. Great.Hirde, if you've come to bitch at me. you get to experience the wonderful sensation of me slamming the door into your face. He opened the door quickly to have the one and only Duo Maxwell fall on him and push him back down on the floor. "Gah, Duo, what the hell are you doing here?" Duo slurred his words, half asleep, "Hirde kicked me out of our room, can I room with you tonight buddy?" The braided pilot layed still on top of the chinese boy and continued muttering something about stupid women. starting to sound like Wufei, actually. Wufei squirmed out from under him and drug him to the bed. "Duo, if you have any sober bone left in your body, help me rid you of these wet clothes." As he said it, Duo fell back on the bed, out cold. Wufei grumbled and proceeded to remove the other boy's shirt, unbuttoning it down the front to reveal slick well toned muscles. Wufei gulped. "Oh gods." He shook his head, tempted to close his eyes, but it would be rather hard to undress someone when you were blind.of course it was equally disturbing to undress someone that you found yourself extremely attracted to. Especially when you knew you shouldn't find yourself attracted to him. Did that make sense? He hoped so.. Wufei began to unbutton the other boys pants.silently saying to himself, "Please be wearing boxers, please be wearing boxers." Well, to Wufei's relief, the boy was wearing boxers.but they were dark blue, the colour of Wufei's shirt that he had discarded earlier, and the wet silk clung to every shape in his skin, showing off the fact that the old pilot of Shinigami was actually rather well endowed. Wufei started breathing heavier at the site of the near naked, soaking wet, pilot. He was standing there with only his jewelry and tight vinyl pants on, which were restricting his comfort for he was getting rather hard standing there watching the boy. He brought his hand to his chest and slightly teased one of his nipples, pinching it, then sliding his hand down across his stomach to rub the bulge in his pants. Wufei moaned softly at the feeling, but then common sense caught up with him.he figured there was a chance Mr. Shinigami could wake up, and he didn't fancy the idea of being caught turned on at the site of Duo's body. Well, he did fancy being caught, but only in his imagination where the braided pilot actually helped Wufei out with the matter. Wufei walked over to the closet to grab a towel, his pants rubbing against him with every step, making him just want to stop right there and take care of it. But, he was a Gundam Pilot, if he could save the universe, he sure as hell could stand the sexual tension as he walked across a damned room. It was funny how the latter seemed so much more difficult though. Wufei entered the bathroom door and locked it behind him, making sure to lock the door to Hirde's room also. He walked over to the shower and turned the water on hot, and as he waited for it to warm up he turned and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was plastered to his face, an unusual site for those who had never seen him with his hair down. The various dalmation print bondage collars and bands that he wore brought out the dark colour of his skin, making his appearance slightly seductive. His imagination got the best of him as he pictured Duo sliding in behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist, moving his hand up to tease Wufei's nipple while leaning over and breathing hard into the other boys ear, nibbling slightly. Wufei brought his hands down to unbutton his pants, catching his breath as he felt the cold rings on his bracelet brush against his sex as it came free of the tight vinyl material. Wufei sighed and carefully slipped his boxers off, kicking both materials into the corner. After he removed his collar and bands and placed them next to the sink, he stepped into the shower, the hot water scalding his back, but he quickly got used to it. His hand moved down to wrap itself around his erection, and started moving against it slowly, the other hand pinching and teasing his nipples. He turned so that the water was beating on his stomach, and carefully sat down on the shower floor, letting the water run over him. His hand gripped his erection tighter and began to stroke faster. Eyeing some lotion out of the corner of his eye, he brought the free hand over to it and dipped one finger in it, then brought it over to softly rub the tight opening of his anus, then slipped the finger in gently and moaned in the process. His other hand continued stroking his erection, bringing the top of his hand to slide over the tip of it and then rather forcefully down in each stroke. He began to move the one finger in and out of him at a faster pace, matching the strokes of his other hand. He pushed his erection into his hand and moved his finger deeper inside him, then slid another finger inside him, pressing in. This act caused him to throw his head back as he felt his cock twitch in his hand and he stroked and pushed his fingers in deeper. Thoughts of Duo sitting there beside him, doing all the work for him and his long brown hair, darkened to black with the water, plastered over both of them, filled his mind as he climaxed and moaned Duo's name. He rested his head to the side, stroking himself a few more times softly and then relaxing. Closing his eyes he continued his forbidden daydreams about the certain longhaired pilot.