Slowly Fading Part 7 By: Elly-chan Duo was sitting in the bay window off of the dining room when Quatre approached him. They were alone, Wufei had retired after dinner and Duo had stuck around just so he could have some time to think. In his hand was a glass of scotch, cooled over the ice. "Duo-kun." Quatre sat down in the window beside him, looking at him with concern. Duo looked up and smiled at Quatre, "Oi, Quatre." "You look like something is bothering you. Are you well?" The american boy laughed softly, "Hai hai Quatre, I'm fine. I guess it's strange to see me thinking instead of talking." Quatre nodded, "What are you thinking about?" "Actually.I'm not sure." It was only half of a lie.. he new what he was thinking about, but he had no idea what it actually was.if that made any sense. He still was trying to figure out what it was he was feeling, and who it was he wanted.what he wanted. who wanted him. Most of all he thought about Wufei and how he had been great, helping him through all of this. He'd never known Wufei to open up to anyone before. "Duo? Are you sure you're okay? I know what happened between Hirde and you today." Duo shook his head, "No, it has nothing to do with Hirde." "It hurts to fall out of love, ne?" Quatre sighed, "I wouldn't know from personal experience, but from what I've heard, and who I've talked to." "I wasn't in love with her." Quatre raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" "I never fell in love with her. I never let my weaknesses show, and never questioned her about hers. I didn't fall.. I-" Duo paused and thought to himself, his eyes growing wide, `I.I fell. I let my weakness show, he showed me his. Oh Gods.Wufei.' The glass of scotch fell from his hand, shattering on the floor below the window. "Duo?" Quatre jumped up and put a hand on Duo's shoulder. He was in some sort of daze, as if he had just came into reality with something. "Duo!" He shook him gently. Duo looked at Quatre, "Gomenasai Quatre, I need to go." He stood up and walked out of the dining room, leaving Quatre's eyes to follow him out the door, and the shattered glass for someone else to claim. Wufei watched from the porch off of his room as Duo walked out the side door and headed to the gardens. It was dark and he could only make out so much. Duo was walking slowly, as if he was thinking about something. He sat down on a bench just inside the garden and laid down, looking up at the sky. `He's not star gazing.there are no clouds.' The sky was filled with storm clouds, making the night even more dark and calm than it should have been. `What is he doing?' Wufei thought to himself. He had obviously came outside to find a nice quiet place to think about something. But what? Before he noticed Duo, Wufei was thinking about where he stood. The random acts of kindness he received from the braided boy were not things that he expected. And they had fallen asleep together that afternoon underneath the tree.He couldn't help but wonder what Hirde had thought open seeing them, and if anyone else had happened to wander by and sneak a glance also. He wanted to say it didn't matter that they were caught together, but it did. Showing interest in another man just wasn't as widely accepted as some things. He could imagine more than a few of the others frowning against it. Hirde hadn't seemed to mind though, well at least she didn't mention it at all. "Wufei!" Wufei raised his head and looked at the direction the voice was coming from. It was Hirde, leaning out over the railing of the porch off of her room. "Hello, Hirde." Speak of the devil. "What are you doing out here?" She seemed kind of happy actually. Did this situation with Duo not matter to her at all? That was amazing. He had watched her walk off crying the other day, and she didn't look okay at supper either. Maybe she was trying to cheer up, that could be it. "Nothing." "No, you were looking at something!" She moved her gaze to rest on Duo. "Oh.." Wufei noticed a touch of sadness in her voice when she saw him. He just shrugged it off, she wasn't his problem. "Ne, Wufei.What do you guys talk about? I always see you together, but you're never talking.that's strange for Duo." Wufei sighed. What should he tell Hirde? What did they talk about? They spent time together being alone. On a few occasions they had conversations. Duo was usually the one that started them, but they were always enjoyable even though Wufei didn't let onto it. "Anything and everything." "Ah." Hirde paused, wondering what she should say next. "You must be close." Was she implying something? She wasn't exactly dumb to the clues.Wufei couldn't help but steal glances at Duo now and then. "No." "No? You could have fooled me. It's as if you speak without even talking. Each of you has the others undivided attention so that-" She paused. "Oh nevermind." "We don't even need words to communicate." Hirde nodded, "Hai." "It's not like that." "Oh.okay then." Wufei had lied. It was like that. That described what was between them so perfectly. How come he hadn't come up with that explanation before his ex-girlfriend did? Come on Wufei, get your head out of the gutter and think of more intelligent things to say! "What is he doing out there anyway?" Hirde questioned, looking at Duo. "I'm not sure, I was wondering the same thing." Just as he said that the rain started to fall. It was an immediate downpour, causing Hirde to shriek and run inside. Wufei stayed standing out on the porch, the rain soaking through to his skin. He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice when Duo jumped up and ran inside to escape from the rain. Duo stopped before the door to Wufei's room, which was also his now. He played thoughts in his mind of what he should do when he walked in. He didn't know, he could just ignore it, but that really wouldn't work. He opened the door to walk into an empty room. He knocked on the bathroom door, and not getting a reply he stopped knocking and sat down on the bed. `He must have gone out.' Then he felt a small breeze, and heard the faint fall of rain. He looked out to the porch, rain streaked the glass, but one of the doors was partially left open. He stood and headed towards the door, opening it wider and got hit with the pouring rain. There he was. The mere sight of him standing there made Duo's heart nearly stop. His hair was down, matted to his face by the rain, and his white chinese style outfit was clinging to his body. His back was to Duo, and he never turned. The noise of the rain drowned out the opening of the door and Duo's footsteps as he walked up to Wufei, wrapping his arms around the chinese boy from behind. Wufei gasped and turned his head around quickly, only to be stopped by Duo's lips kissing his neck softly. Wufei's heart was beating fast, and he spoke, "Duo." Duo brought his lips up to Wufei's ear, "Wufei." He kissed the boys ear gently and pulled him closer to him. "Duo, what are you-" Wufei was cut off in mid sentence when Duo spun him around and kissed him hard on the lips. Duo didn't care what Wufei thought at the moment. He had just realized whom these feelings were coming from. And he felt loved! There was no way he could reject him.was there? Duo pushed these thoughts from his mind and focused on the kiss. He wasn't getting any kind of reaction from the other boy. Standing on one of the many porches on the east side of the house, in the pouring american boy with long braided hair carefully seducing an extremely surprised chinese boy with his dark hair plastered to his face, both of them not sure as to what they are doing. What a sight they must have been. Duo broke the kiss and raised his hand to touch the side of Wufei's face, whispering his name again softly and looking into the boy's eyes. "I can taste the scotch on you, Duo." Wufei hesitated.he knew there was something behind all this, Maxwell wouldn't just do this for no reason. "I only had half a glass, don't worry. I know what I'm doing." Duo leaned over to claim Wufei's lips as his own once more, softer this time. Wufei broke away, "You're sure.?" "I hope so." Duo grabbed Wufei's wrist and led him inside into their room. He stopped in the middle of the floor, halfway to the bed, and kissed Wufei again, wrapping his arms around him and raising one hand to run through his hair. Unlike the first time, Wufei reacted by prying apart Duo's lips with his tongue to make the kiss even deeper. He pressed his body against Wufei's, the sensation making Wufei moan softly. Duo took his hands from around him and began to unbutton his top with unusually calm fingers. He broke away from the kiss and moved down to kiss at Wufei's neck and the other boy titled his head to the side giving him easier access to suck and bite gently on a small patch of sensitive nerves. As he unbuttoned the top, he let his fingers ever so slightly tease the chinese boy's nipples, bringing a small whimper from Wufei. When Wufei's top was discarded onto the floor, Duo pushed him over to the bed and laid him down, crawling on top of him. Thoughts ran through Wufei's head about how this was always just a dream.but Duo was real. He was so real this time. `Gods, please don't let it be a dream.' Duo sat up, straddling the other boys waist, and removed his shirt to expose a pale well developed muscular chest. Wufei couldn't help but think of how much he wanted that pressed against his, and he reached up and pulled Duo down hard against him, kissing him. Duo let his hand fall, brushing slightly over Wufei's growing erection. Wufei gasped at this feeling and immediately pushed up his hips, wanting more. Duo broke the kiss to kiss at Wufei's neck and down to his chest, teasing his nipples with his tongue, circling them, then flicking them, and putting his lips on them and sucking gently. As he was doing this he was also undoing the tie around Wufei's pants, and slid his fingers under the rim, looking up to Wufei for a sign that it was okay. Wufei nodded. Duo smiled and brought himself up off of Wufei's waist and Wufei raised his hips so that his pants could be slid off. After that was done, Duo slid off the bed, kissing down Wufei's stomach, circling his belly button, then slid his boxers off to reveal his erection. Duo took it into one of his hands and began to stroke it gently, getting a moan of pleasure from Wufei. "Oh Gods.Duo." Wufei gasped and pushed himself into Duo's hand. Duo looked up at him and smiled, seeing the boy with his head back and his eyes closed tight, his hands at his side, lightly clenching the sheets made Duo decide to stop teasing. The braided boy lowered himself a little more so that his face was right in front of Wufei's erection. He flicked his tongue out to lick the tip of it quickly, then without hesitation took the tip of it into his mouth. Wufei's hands clenched the sheets tighter and he cried out at the feeling of his long dreamed of lover taking him into his mouth. Duo began to move his mouth up and down on Wufei's erection, running his tongue over the tip of it before coming down again. His movements sped up and Wufei's arched, pushing himself deeper into Duo's mouth. The sight and reactions of the chinese boy didn't help Duo's erection. As he was doing this to the boy, one of his hands slid down and unbuttoned his pants to slide them down and begin stroking himself softly. As Wufei's breathing grew louder, Duo's strokes grew harder and faster, causing him to moan, making Wufei arch and spill his seed into Duo's mouth. Wufei then relaxed, his breathing slowing and his hands letting go of the sheets. Wufei could taste himself on Duo's lips when the boy came up to kiss him deeply, their tongues playing together. He pulled Duo close, feeling the other boy's erection rub against his stomach. Wufei pushed on Duo and flipped him over on his back so that he was lying next to him. Wufei then rolled over onto his side to look down at Duo's erection, moving one hand to stroke it gently. Wufei looked up and caught Duo's gaze in his hold, making his heart beat even faster. Duo smiled and Wufei returned it, beginning to stroke him harder. The chinese boy leaned over to take Duo's lips as his own, sucking on his bottom lip and then kissed his way down to Duo's neck, biting him hard. Duo cried out in pain and pleasure when Wufei did this. Wufei then licked the wound and began sucking on it, positive that it would leave a mark. "Wufei." Wufei ran his tongue lightly up to Duo's ear, whispering Duo's name in return. At those whispers against his sensitive ear and Wufei's rougher strokes, Duo felt him self reach the edge, his seed spilling out into Wufei's hand. Wufei kissed him again, softer this time, and pulled him close. Duo wrapped his own arms around Wufei and closed his eyes. "Ne, Wufei.can I sleep holding you?" Wufei nodded and pulled Duo closer as he pulled up the sheets to cover the both of them. Wufei soon drifted off into sleep, leaving Duo alone to think about what had just happened, and to feel the beating of Wufei's heart match in time with his own.