There was another Celes! Extremely diff from mine though. I wish we coulda gotten our pics together, but I went as Elly on Sunday :P

Lunar! Neat ^^ Notice how *everyone* looks half dead Sunday. I don't think I have a pic of someone without them having circles under their eyes.

Tuxedo Mask. Thanks for teaching me how to dance, Stripper Boy ^_^

Aerith. That is like, wonderful hair for that.

Tasuki and Kouji doing their lil dance! It didn't blur! yay!

This one strange :P

Failed attempt at getting a pic of Ad-chan.

You aren't helping stripper dude :P

Rei from Eva, she even had the red contacts. It was so weird looking hehe.

*sniff sniff* Me on the way home in the airport. My damn flight was delayed for around 6 hours too.. I could have stayed til the end of the con! *pouts*
