Talk to the Moon A Gundam Wing Fanfiction Part 2 By: Elly-chan Warnings: None so far.. the only warning would be... not so bright and bubbly ^^ Disclaimer: Don't own em... Don't sue me or all you'll get is your own products back :P --------- At the older man's touch, Wufei jerked his head away and tried to escape. He should have known better. His reaction wasn't fast enough, Treize was also a great warrior. Wufei winced and fell to the cold ground as Treize brought the gun down sharply on his head. The last thing he saw before he slipped unconscious was the grin on Treize's face. ~~~~~~ Meiran sneezed into her cup of chicken noodle soup. Wufei laughed softly and shook his head, "Told you so." Looking up she glared at Wufei. "Hush." What a coincidence... he knew they would get sick, she should have listened to him... well now she was the only one that was sick at the moment. He smiled. "What are you smiling about?" "Nothing...just thinking about how right I always am." Meiran reached over and picked up a pillow then threw it rather hard at him, "You should stop to think about how weak you are also." Wufei winced at this comment. It had been a while since she had called him a weakling or a scholar... he wasn't weak, dammit! Just because he was a scholar...didn't mean that he was weak. "If being right is a sign of weakness, the I'll admit to my cowardly acts." Her head dropped back down to look at her soup as she sniffled. She hadn't really meant to say that..."Sorry..bad habit to say that I guess." /He proved he wasn't weak that day in the field...that was when I started to...Stop it Meiran. Don't think about it. There's *nothing* you can do about it./ "Aa..." Wufei looked at the cup she was holding in her hands. "Can I take that?" She shook her head slightly, "No...It's keeping me warm." Now that she mentioned it, it was rather chilly in here. "I'll go get wood for a fire." "That will be fine." Wufei couldn't help but note that a tone of sadness had entered her voice. ~~~~~ Meiran had called for a servant to lead her outside into the gardens. The servant has protested at first, saying it was not exactly safe to be out in the night. But she refused his suggestions. She wanted to feel the rain on her skin. If she couldn't see, then she at least wanted to feel. She stood leaned up against a large willow tree, listening to the rain hit the leaves and the flowers around her. Her servant sat far away from her on a small bench, not paying any attention to her at all. Two years and she still hasn't gotten used to the feeling of having your eyes wide open and not being able to see a thing...though her hearing has improved. Being surrounded by total darkness wasn't too uplifting, she spent most of her waking hours stoic or crying. Treize though...he had helped her a great deal. If it weren't for him, then she would be...she didn't even know where she would be, or how she would be. Possibly dead. Treize was the only one that could get through to her. She let him talk to her, and she answered his questions, as well as filled in on details that he didn't ask about. At night he often slept in her room, just giving her comfort and security. The two of them had some sort of bond, everyone around them could see that. Meiran was jerked out of her daze when she heard a small rustling and footsteps coming down the walkway. "Hello?" The footsteps stopped for a moment and then turned to head in her direction. "Aa, Meiran...what are you doing out here?" "Treize..." The man stopped in front of her and she lowered her head, "I just wanted to feel the rain." The young pilot he held in his arms whimpered slightly, threatening to wake up from his blow to the head. "Who is that?" "Just an intruder I caught on my hunting grounds. Don't worry." The air around felt different. Maybe it was just because of the added person, but that didn't seem to be it. There was something about that prisoner... /Oh forget it, Meiran. It's just the humidity./ "Is there something wrong, dear?" Meiran shook her head and closed her eyes slowly, whispering, "No...I'm fine." "I don't believe you." Treize lowered the unconscious boy to the ground and called to the servants to take him away. Treize leaned over and kissed Meiran's lips softly, "I don't believe you at all." "Just thinking of how I wish I could see the face of your prisoner...simple things like that seem to bother me the most." Treize looked down at his prisoner again who was beginning to stir. "He is a handsome boy. But this boy was trespassing, not only that but I recognize his face." And his name... he also recognized his name. But no, couldn't be. Everyone on that colony had died... ~Sir! There is an unidentified Mobile Suit engaging in combat!~ Couldn't be... no... Damn servants, they always took forever. "You recognize him?" "He is a Gundam pilot. A great catch if I must say so...however it would be dishonorable to treat him with no respect, so I shall give him more than just a cold cell." /Gundam!/ "What is his name?" Treize closed his eyes, shamed that he would lie to her innocence. "I do not know, Meiran." She nodded and kept her head lowered and her eyes closed. She raised it as she heard footsteps of the servants coming to take the boy. They stopped beside her and she heard the rustles of their clothes as they picked up the pilot. The pilot groaned and opened his eyes, awoke by the sudden movement. The small glare of the garden light reflected on the face of a young woman. He blinked again and the face was still the same. He was very weak and was doing his best to even keep his eyes open, but he gathered enough energy to whimper her name... "Na--Nataku..." Meiran's eyes opened wide as she heard her name whispered. / one's called me that in years.../ A demanding look crossed her face, "Who said that?" No one answered... "Someone tell me who said that!" If only she could have seen his face...then she would have known. But the boy had passed out again in the arms of a servant and was being carried off to the mansion. "Treize... who was it that called me Nataku?" He placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tightly, "No one, Meiran." She wasn't satisfied with this answer, but it was all she knew she would get. A chill ran through her body and she shivered, Treize noticed this. "Are you cold?" "I'd like to go in, Treize." She held out her hand for him to take it and he did so. He lead her out of the rain and into the house, safely to his own room. ~~~~~ The fire was lit and they were both sitting in front of it. Meiran was cuddled in a blanket while Wufei just sat there staring at the flames. Meiran was the first to break the silence, "Wufei...I'm sorry." He looked up to see her eyes on him, "For what?" "Believing you were weak." She sighed and closed her eyes, "You are anything but that." Was he hearing what he thought he was hearing? Wow... "Thank you." Silence once again took it's place between the two of them until Meiran spoke up once more. "I enjoyed yesterday. Even if I did get sick, it was worth it." She looked at him and smiled. "We'd never been together like that before." "No, we hadn't." She scooted closer to him and laid her head down against his shoulder, "I enjoyed the feeling of being held by you." Wufei hesitantly put his arm around her, pulling her closer. She closed her eyes and nuzzled up against him, he did the same in return. "I enjoyed holding you, Meiran." She smiled and drifted off to sleep there in the warmth of his arms. ~~~~~~ Wufei awoke with a splitting headache. It was dark, obviously late at night. The glance he took at the clock on the night table proved just that, 3:52am. Wait... Soft bed... Comforting room...Digital clock. /Where am I?/ The nights events came flooding back to him and he rubbed the wound on his head to find that it was properly bandaged. /That girl...she looked like Meiran.../ Meiran...he couldn't begin to even explain how much he missed her...It was only wishful thinking, though. Meiran was dead. She had died in his arms....She had meant the world to him...and he had let her die in his arms. Weakling. Trying to distract himself from this train of thought he wondered what he should do next. It was dark, he had no clue where he was at, and his head was killing him. He settled for sleep, and drifted off into his sweet dreams...the only times when he could actually hold her. ----- End of Part 2.