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My Fanfiction
Warning! Almost all this fanfiction contains Yaoi or Shounen Ai content. If you don't know what that is, the phrase "Pretty anime boys doing naughty things with other pretty anime boys" about sums it up ^_^ So if you aren't mature, this isn't the place for you.

Gundam Wing
Slowly Fading- 5x2/2x5- Lemon (Complete!)
Wufei is afraid for anyone to find out about his feelings about a certain braided pilot, and all the encounters with him aren't helping. He's struggling with himself, convinced that his feelings aren't acceptable in society. This is an ongoing "novel" type fiction set after Endless Waltz.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10

From My Eyes- Wufei+Meiran- NonYaoi (Complete!)
Meiran lays dying in Wufei's arms and begans remembering moments from their marriage. Written in Meiran's POV.

From My Eyes

Talk to the Moon- 13x5, 13xMeiran- Part Yaoi (Ongoing)
Semi AU.. What if Wufei had never stayed to bury Meiran, and she was left alive when Treize's troops went through the colony? In this fiction, Meiran is taken in and cared for by Treize. Both her and Wufei believe the other is dead... but there's a strange prisoner in one of the cels and Treize begins to mumble the word 'dragon' in his sleep... ongoing.
Flashback scenes are between the '~~~~~~'

Prologue Part 1 Part 2

Smiling Down- Wufei+Meiran, 13+5- Part Yaoi- From My Eyes series
The second installation to the From My Eyes series. More or less my mindless romantic babblings from Meiran's POV ^^ This is short, a ficlet. Her mind as she watches over Wufei from Heaven.

Smiling Down

Final Fantasy VI
Royal Soul- EdgarxSetzer/EdgarxOriginal
Set in the World of Ruin, Edgar eases his loss of Setzer with one of the thieves in his group. But unknown to him, Setzer is alive. When they meet up again it will be up to Edgar to admit his feelings. Ongoing

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3